I guess it is not as bad as it seems. It doesn't seem to bother him too much.
1. I am studying for my Certified Online Teacher Certificate. I've taken the online classes, now I have to pass a test and develop and teach 2 online courses for the certifying association to critique. This is for my position at UT, but I envision myself working on some outside interests with this new skill. My mind keeps coming up with ideas to use this skill with my knitting obsession so hopefully I can make that happen soon.
2. I am test knitting a wonderful skirt by Andrea Rangel I have been a fan of hers since I saw her Hex pattern in the Fall 2009 Knitty. Truth be told, it was that pattern that finally made me get off my butt and learn to knit. As soon as I finish this test knit for her, I will be casting on a Hex shawl in burnt orange! It will be a fun knit while I am enjoying some longhorn football.
Here is a sneak peek of my test knitting
3. I don't know if it is a mid-life crisis or what, but I have been struggling with wanting to make some major changes in my life. I couldn't figure out what it was I wanted to do differently, just that there needed to be a change. It has been something that has been going on for awhile, but I have chosen to ignore it since I didn't for the life of me know what direction I wanted to go in. After spending a lot of time contemplating what was going on with me, I think that I finally have it figured out. I can't go into any details right now, but in the next few of months I hope to be able to announce a pretty major change in my life. While this change isn't directly related to my knitting, I hope that eventually it will allow me to explore knitting in a more professional way too!!
I also hope to post more frequently on my blog than I have been. If you have any topics you would like me to discuss on this blog please share your ideas!